While opinions vary on almost anything, when it comes to televisions, the biggest criteria you should be concerned with is the image quality that it delivers.

The brighter, clearer and crisper that the image is, the better.

While television manufactures have been steadily improving image quality and capability since the very first televisions were introduced to the general public over half a century ago, they still strive to improve.

One example of a challenge that has faced television manufacturers over the last several years is for example when a 1080p television needs plays a 720p video.

Up until this point, to deal with this the technology that televisions have used is to "scale the image".

Scaling an image on a television refers to the process by which the television adjusts the resolution of the incoming signal to match the native resolution of the television itself.

So, in other words, if a 720p image is being displayed on a 1080p television, the television must scale it up to 1080p. The same process (in reverse) occurs when say a 1080p image is displayed on a 720p television.

While scaling allows the image to look "as good as possible", and some televisions scaling technology is much better than others, there can be a noticeable loss of image quality.

TV manufacturers have been gradually improving scaling technology, but now artificial intelligence (yes that magical "AI" we’ve all been hearing about endlessly) has delivered up what is undoubtedly the best solution to date for this.

AI/ artificial intelligence can actually analyze each and every image on the television screen (in real time no less!) and change the settings according to what looks best.

But as impressive as this is it goes even further.

AI can even detect what you are watching and adjust accordingly for that.

So, for example, AI could determine that a user is say watching sports, determine the specific sport that they are watching then and modify aspects such as contrast, sharpness or refresh rate to match the specific sport best.

So, while AI continues to infiltrate each are of our lives, televisions are no different.