Why would someone want a dash cam?

At one point having a dash cam may have been closer to crazy than common sense (back when words like civility, kindness and defensive driving were actually something people cared about when they got behind a wheel of a car), that point is long since in the past.

Now anyone getting on the road is never far from a dose of hostility, aggression and carelessness.

There are several reasons why people might buy a dash cam:

  • Proof in the event of an accident: When an accident or incident occurs and the police show up, often it is a case of your word against theirs (and often the loudest, most emotional person wins). Video footage often puts many stories to rest.
  • Evidence in the event of an accident: Further to the last point, in the event things go beyond the scene of the accident/ incident the footage a dash cam has captured can be invaluable when it comes to insurance claims or court proceedings.
  • Self improvement: Self awareness is a tricky thing in the best of circumstances. If you have the goal of improving your own driving habits/ skills a dash cam can help.
  • Remember the ride!: Driving can often be an exhilarating rush, offer spectacular scenery or otherwise offer special moments and memories. Dash cams can record noteworthy events and happenings, both planned and unplanned!
  • Theft is a thing: Sadly some individuals break into, vandalize or even steal vehicles (shocker right?). Wouldn’t it be nice to have video footage of the perpetrators?
  • Have any young drivers?: Parents of teenage drivers love them. Many dash cams have embedded GPS so they not only record everything both inside the car and outside of it, they can also record driving speeds and street routes.

So while everyone has their own reasons, more often than not when someone is buying a dash cam at Kawartha TV and Stereo the most common reason is safety related. Sadly road rage, aggressive driving and general driving craziness becomes more common every day. A dash cam camera starts recording when you start your engine and they provide real-time proof in case of an accident or incident.

Fortunately dash cams are not an incredibly expensive investment. Like anything they range depending upon features and other factors. To get a reliable decent quality unit you’ll be looking around three hundred dollars.